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Wind energy

Energy contracting

Organizing competitions for the off take of electricity, renewable energy certificates and certificates of origin for wind farms in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Assessing off take contracts of wind farms in the Netherlands, Belgium and the United States.
Managing and renewing existing contracts in the Netherlands and Belgium.


Development of wind farms for landowners and companies in countries including the Netherlands and Europe. Supporting with administrative matters, feasibility studies, quick scans, financial models and business plans. Stakeholder management, tender management, contract management, project management, quick scans, visualizations, macro-siting, micro-siting, land agreements, legislation, licensing, financing, risk profiles and optimization of projects. Realization of projects from concept phase through to the operational phase and up to Financial Close.


Financing of onshore wind farms for both private persons and companies in the Netherlands and for companies in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. Financial advice regarding structuring of financing, organization of financing competitions and negotiation of credit proposals and agreements for wind farms in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Acquisition of wind farms for companies and investment funds, including due diligence of projects in countries including the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Spain. Management of acquired European wind farms for investment funds, including refinancing. Valuation of wind farms in the Netherlands.

Management Services

The activities consist of managing the entire project for EPC, for turnkey delivery of the Balance of Plant (BOP) and the wind turbines. From the development phase of feasibility studies and risk analyses, the completion of the realization phase up to and including asset management of projects. Contract management ​​performed during the development phase, during  funding, for the construction phase and for the operational phase. Management of various contracts such as EPC contracts and FIDIC contracts, for various kind of supply contracts and for turnkey deliveries. Technical feasibility for the realization of projects. Tender Management ​​in the development and the realization phase. Project management of engineering , set up of the project organization and the project teams  and interface management in the development phase. Project management for the construction phase of projects, including set up of the project organization and the project teams, interface management, contract management and contract negotiation. Project management and contract management for the realization of projects.

Asset Management

Supervision of service organizations, completion of projects, supervision of service contracts and financial and technical management.


Energy contracting

Organizing competitions for the off take of electricity, renewable energy certificates and certificates of origin for solar parks in the Netherlands.
Assessing off take contracts of solar parks in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Managing and renewing existing contracts in Belgium.


Development of solar parks for local energy companies in the Netherlands. Support in financial models and business plans. Financing, risk profiles and contractual optimization of projects. Bringing projects to Financial Close.


Financing solar projects, both roof and ground mounted, for companies in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Financial advice regarding structuring of financing, organization of financing and negotiation of credit proposals and agreements for solar projects in Belgium, Italy and Spain. Acquisition of solar projects in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom for investment funds, including due diligence processes. Valuation of (portfolios of) solar projects in Belgium, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. Support in setting up investment funds for Germany, Italy and Spain.

Management Services

Project management, contract management and financial management performed for solar projects.

Asset Management

Financial-, contract- and risk management of investments in solar projects for investment funds.


Energy contracting

Organizing competitions for the fuels supply for biomass projects in the Netherlands and Belgium. Organizing competitions for the off take of electricity, renewable energy certificates and certificates of origin for biomass projects in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Assessing supply contracts for biomass projects in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom.
Assessing off take contracts of biomass projects in the Netherlands and Belgium.


Development of biomass projects for companies in countries including the Netherlands and Indonesia. Realization of financial models and business plans. Contract management, financing, risk profiles and optimization of projects. Bringing projects from concept phase to the operational phase and bringing projects to Financial Close.


Financing of biomass projects for companies in the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom. Financial restructuring of a biomass project in the United Kingdom. Financial advice regarding structuring of financing, organization of financing competitions and negotiation of credit proposals and agreements for biomass projects in the Netherlands. Check financeability of all proposed contracts for a large Dutch biomass project. 

Management Services

Projectmanagement, contractmanagement and financial management performed for biomassprojects.

Asset Management

Financial management of Dutch biomass projects.


Wind energy

  • Beerse, Belgium
  • Bernardweg, The Netherlands
  • BP (British Petrol), The Netherlands and the UK
  • Burgervlotbrug, The Netherlands
  • Castle Pil, Wales
  • Culemborg, The Netherlands
  • Dendermonde, Belgium
  • Distridam, The Netherlands
  • Distripark, The Netherlands
  • ECN Wind Turbine Test Park, The Netherlands
  • Electrawinds Brugge Tris, Belgium
  • Galatti, Romania
  • Hartelbrug -West, The Netherlands
  • Helios, Spain
  • Hondtocht, The Netherlands
  • Hoogstraten, Belgium
  • Horns Rev, Denmark,
  • IVPC IV, Italy
  • Jacoba Rippolder, The Netherlands
  • Koegorspolder, The Netherlands
  • Lake Benton, USA
  • Loch Luichart, Wales
  • Lommel Balendijk, Belgium
  • Netterden – Azewijn, The Netherlands
  • NSW, The Netherlands
  • Olen en Geel, Belgium
  • Olstertocht, The Netherlands
  • Prittitz, Germany
  • Prototype Test farm ECN, The Netherlands
  • Q7, Princess Amalia, The Netherlands
  • Railwind, The Netherlands
  • Rijnwoude, The Netherlands
  • Sabinapolder, The Netherlands
  • Seanergy, Belgium
  • Shanghai bridge, China
  • Slufterdam, The Netherlands
  • Slufterdam -West, The Netherlands
  • Spremberg, Germany
  • Storm Lake I, USA
  • Storm Lake II, USA
  • Sunrise, France
  • Trandeiras, Portugal
  • Viento, Spain
  • Vlaamse Ecologie Energie en Milieu Onderneming, Belgium
  • Wieringermeer, The Netherlands
  • Willem Anna Polder, The Netherlands
  • Wind aan de Stroom, Belgium
  • Zeebrugge, Belgium
  • Zuidwal, The Netherlands
  • Cabazon, United States
  • EEE, Spain
  • Eolica Aircan, Spain
  • Eolica del Sureste, Spain
  • Eolicas Los Labrados, Spain
  • Eolicas Plana de la Balsa, Spain
  • Eolocaisa, Spain
  • Parque Eólica Borja 2, Spain
  • Rehbach, Germany


  • Almeria, Spain
  • Aznacollar, Spain
  • Beerse, Belgium
  • Bornem, Belgium
  • Floriade Haarlemmermeer, The Netherlands
  • GRN-NRG, Germany
  • Los Cabezos, Spain
  • Orka Power, Belgium
  • Project Fieva, Belgium
  • Prominence Solar Investment Fund, The Netherlands
  • Renewable Ventures Funds, Belgium


  • Bavin, The Netherlands
  • Beilen, The Netherlands
  • Bio Energy plant Horst, The Netherlands
  • Bio One Energy, The Netherlands
  • EPR Ely, UK
  • Fibrowatt, UK
  • Meerlanden, The Netherlands
  • Papenburg, Germany
  • Riau, Indonesia
  • VAR, The Netherlands
  • WKK Lelystad, The Netherlands
  • Yatropha project, Morocco

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